Is publish-Ing. an independent publication platform?

Yes, publish-Ing. is an independent publication platform that covers all processes from the initial upload of a paper through the review process to the final publication of the paper. All uploaded papers are reviewed by certified partner institutes. publish-Ing. finds the optimal partner institutes for the reviews (based on the content of the uploaded paper), edits and helps scientists to efficiently publish relevant content. The publishing and distribution of accepted papers is carried out in close cooperation with the the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). Subsequently, the papers can be found in the TIB's repository, on the publish-Ing. homepage and in all common search engines (e.g. Google Scholar).

How can I publish a paper at publish-Ing.?

To submit a paper to publish-Ing., all you have to do is create a user account, format your paper according to our submission template and upload it. The following processes are completely automated and do not require any action from you. If your paper receives remarks from a reviewer it is on you again - you have to check them carefully and revise your paper conscientiously. If a paper is finally approved by the certified reviewer community, you have to pay the publication fee before it is published by the TIB. As soon as you need to do something during the process, we'll let you know.

What advantages do I have when I publish my paper at publish-Ing.?

For the authors, the added value lies especially in the simple, low-effort and digital processes. Thus, publications can be uploaded at any time. There are no restrictive main topics and no occupied journal slots. A paper only needs to be uploaded. Afterwards, the scientists can track the current status of the peer review process in their profile. After a short time, the reviews (number depends on the requirements of the research sponsors) are available. If no further adjustments are necessary, the article will be published directly by the TIB open access after approval by the authors. In an ideal case, only a few weeks pass between the first upload and the publication of the paper.

What does the cooperation with the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) look like?

The TIB is one of our most important strategic partners. We have firmly integrated the TIB into our processes so that every paper is published and made accessible by the TIB. All papers are stored on the TIB's servers and can thus be accessed permanently and without any restrictions.

Where can I find my published paper?

After the papers have been published by the TIB, they can be found in the TIB's repository, on the publish-Ing. homepage and in all common search engines (e.g. Google Scholar). You can also distribute your paper yourself, for example via uploading it to ResearchGate e.g. (All rights to the paper are reserved by the authors. For more information see our Terms and Conditions.).

How can I join the reviewer community?

Only scientific research institutes can join the reviewer community - not individual researchers. The institutes only have to register on the homepage. Afterwards, publish-Ing. checks whether the admission criteria have been met and then decides whether to accept or reject them. By joining the reviewer community, the institutes not only receive numerous advantages for their own publications (see tab "Review"), but also contribute significantly to the improvement and digitisation of science and the publishing system.

What is the page count limit?

Your paper should be within the range of 5 to 12 pages, excluding biographies, references and appendix. For more details please refer to the submission template, which can be found in the submission section of your user account.

Which languages are accepted at publish-Ing.?

Papers must be submitted to publish-Ing. in English language to achieve a maximum reach of the scientific papers

publish-Ing. is a fairly young company - how do you ensure that all papers are accessible without restriction and permanently?

As the publication of your paper is handled by the TIB, all papers are stored on the servers of the world's largest library for technology and natural sciences. We can thus guarantee that they are available permanently and worldwide free of charge completely independent of publish-Ing.

Is it possible to publish research reports with publish-Ing.?

To support researchers, institutes and the scientific community, research institutes can upload their already approved and submitted interim and final research reports to publish-Ing. free of charge and thus make them available to other scientists.

What happens if my paper is rejected by the reviewer community?

If a paper is rejected by the reviewer community, the reasons for this decision are described in detail in the review. Of course every paper gets the chance to be revised and uploaded again according to the remarks. The revised paper will then be reviewed and re-evaluated by the same reviewers. If the paper is rejected again, it can unfortunately not be considered for publication on publish-Ing.

Do I also have to pay the publication fee if my paper is rejected by the reviewer community?

On publish-Ing. the publication fee must be paid directly before the paper is published - that is, after the paper has been reviewed. If a paper was finally rejected, you do not have to pay the entire publication fee. Under certain circumstances (e.g. if many papers are repeatedly rejected) publish-Ing. is entitled to charge the reviewer discount as well as a handling fee. However, usually no costs are incurred. For further information, see the Terms and Conditions.

How did publish.Ing emerge?

The idea for publish-Ing. resulted from the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL), which was held for the first time in 2020 in cooperation with the TIB, the WGP (German Academic Association for Production Technology), the IFA (Institut für Fabrikanlagen und Logistik) and the LUH (Leibniz Universität Hannover). When organising the conference, we have recognised that there is not only a need for a serious conference with easy and digital processes and high quality peer-reviews, but that researchers also want to use similar processes and options for other publications.

Do you only publish papers from conferences where publish.Ing is involved?

No, the focus of publish-Ing. is on the publication of scientific publications independent of any conferences. Nevertheless, papers from our conferences, for example the CPSL, are also published on the platform to create a extensive repository of knowledge.

Is publish.Ing an independent provider of publishing services for any engineering conference?

At the moment, the only link between publish-Ing. and conferences is the CPSL, as the idea for the platform originated at the conference. Currently we are focusing on establishing the platform for conference-independent papers. Yet it would be possible to offer our services for other conferences as well. Please contact us if you would like to know more about the possibilities.

About us

publish-Ing., founded in 2020, is an open access publishing platform aiming to revolutionise publishing in science. By providing a transparent and intuitive platform publish-Ing. helps scientists to share their research results in a simple, flexible and cost-effective way. All papers are subject to a standardised peer review process by our scientific partners to guarantee a high quality standard of the papers and reviews.